Good Morning Lovelies!!  It has been a while hasn’t it?  Sorry to have been gone for so long but life has a nasty habit of biting you on the ass and changing your direction a hundred times a day!  🙂

As you all know I have been HIV+ for over 15 years now and living with AIDS for almost three but today I want to detour off our normal path of catching up to date on all that and I wanted to share my new diagnosis with you.

This all came to a head over the last couple of days but I have been suffering for many years with WWR but its symptoms are elusive and not easily proved.  However over the last couple of years more and more information has come to light regarding WWR and its societal consequences.  Fortunately it is not a communicable disease, it is however one that you can be born with.  It is passed down through very specific family trees from generation to generation, there was a nasty flare up of the disease in the late 50’s into the late 60’s then quieted down for a decade or two or so but lately the last couple of years it has reared its nasty head yet again.  There is a cure thankfully for WWR but it requires a herd “vaccination” similar to the concept of getting your kids freaking shot up so the rest of us don’t have to deal with your nasty funk.

You see folks WWR affects approximately 77.7 percent based on 2013 US Census figures…that is a large percentage of our population that suffers from this insidious disease.  But you see here is the real low down and dirty factoid about WWR if you are infected by WWR you are simply a carrier of the disease…the disease only disadvantages and destroys the other 22.3 percent of our country’s population and it is a killer folks.

Oh? You don’t know what WWR is?  That is funny because most of you statistically are infected with the disease simply by default.  Its not your fault I know….you were born that way, but now that you know what WWR is and its effects you can ACT quickly to bring the cure.  A cure that has been desperately needed in this country and quite frankly the world round since the beginning of time……

WWR……..being born White With Resources.  You see folks while I condemn the violence in Baltimore, Ferguson and any number of other cities across our land I have empathy, compassion, anger, rage and a host of other emotional responses to the hideous inequities suffered at the hands of our African American & Hispanic communities primarily and others to a lesser degree.  You see being born White only means that I won’t have first hand knowledge of the damage caused to those of my sisters and brothers who are of a different ethnic background, the ugly truth behind the riots is that being born White means I suffer the chances of having my life ended by a corrupt and out of control Police community far far less than that of our sisters and brothers of color.  Inexcusable and unforgivable and easily fixed if only we could get the powers to be to understand the inherent racism that is destroying vast segments of our population.  While I will never EVER condone the violent responses lately I WILL strive to my last days to understand the motivation behind such rage and work to end the destruction that WWR has brought to bear on our Nation.

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